Dr. Margrit Egnér

Margrit Egnér was born in Hamburg on 18 June 1922. She spent the first four years of her childhood in Brazil and then returned to Germany. After her marriage she lived in Sweden and moved to Switzerland in 1972, after the death of her husband. She began studying psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zurich in 1974 and graduated in 1979. In 1981 Margrit Egnér obtained her doctorate with the topic “Mood and Depression”. She died on 18 August 2000 in Meilen near Zurich.
Margrit Egnér was already interested in the anthropological direction of psychology during her studies at the University of Zurich. She also dedicated her licentiate thesis as well as her doctor thesis to this topic. In 1983, she founded the Dr. Margrit Egnér Foundation in order to give permanent support and recognition to this central content of psychology.
Foundation purpose
The Dr. Margrit Egnér Foundation was established in 1983. It promotes new ideas and special achievements in the field of anthropological and humanistic psychology, including the corresponding directions of philosophy and medicine. With its prize, it recognises individuals who, through their life’s work, the writing of individual outstanding works or practical activity on a scientific basis, contribute to a more human world in which the human being in wholeness is at the centre.
The public award ceremony takes place on the second Thursday in November. After an introduction to the respective topic of the year, the three award winners give presentations on their field of work.
Foundation Board
Veronika Brandstätter-Morawietz,
Prof. Dr. phil.
University of Zurich, Institute of Psychology
Contact: v.brandstaetter@margritegner.ch
Paul Hoff,
Prof. em. Dr. med. Dr. phil.
Privatklinik Hohenegg, Meilen
Contact: p.hoff@margritegner.ch
Marco Lanter,
Dr. iur., M.C.J., Attorney-at-Law
LANTER Attorneys & Tax Advisers
Contact: m.lanter@margritegner.ch